CrossFit Open 2020 is complete.
It was certainly a twist of events to have 2 Opens in one year but I think in 6 months I’ll be missing it!
This was a great Open season. I loved the workouts. I felt they were challenging for our top athletes and also allowed the rest of us to push ourselves to do things unexpected.
For those who’ve been training awhile, the Open is a test. It tests our physical strength and skills, our cardiovascular and mental toughness, and it tests our commitment and consistency. It shows us how far we’ve come and where to go next. It shows us that we don’t have to train pistols regularly in order to do pistols! (but… we’ll probably be doing more pistols)
For those of us who said,
“I can’t do…”
“I’ve never done…”,
“I’m not sure about…”
Did you surprise yourself?
Congratulations to those who signed up on the main site not expecting to be on our Intramural leaderboard but actually found themselves there!
Between GOAT training (my favorite class to coach) and the WODs, there were countless Prs.
I’m really looking forward to The Open 2021. Looking forward to setting new goals, working hard, training and learning.
What are your goals? Lets get them together!