- Focus on friends and family
Holidays are a time to catch up with loved ones. Play games, volunteer for a local charity, or spend time outdoors enjoying the weather together - It’s a party, but don’t overdo it!
Eat slowly & enjoy the foods you may only eat once a year. Try to eat foods from each food group and limit added sugar, fat, and salt where you can. If you want dessert, try to cut back elsewhere. Watch your portions & resist second helpings. - Bring what you like
Try not to worry about what will be served. Do the best you can with what is available and maybe offer to bring your favorite dish to share. Don’t forget to check the nutrition facts on your recipe. - If you drink, do so in moderation Any alcohol contains empty calories. Limit to 1 per day for women or 2 per day for men. One serving is equal to a 12 oz beer, 5 oz wine, or 1.5 oz liquor. Opt for sugar-free mixers vs. high calorie ones such as soda, juice or margarita mix.
- Stay active Physical inactivity during holidays can lead to weight gain, so plan time for some type of exercise each day. Off from school or work? Use this time to start or continue healthy habits. Train for or participate in local holiday run/walks. Go for walks with loved ones or even offer to clean up after meals to get moving.
- Overindulge? Get back on track Eat or drink more than you planned to? Don’t think you’ve failed! Stop eating for the night and focus on spending time with those around you! Include extra exercise and get back to your usual eating habits the next day.
Loni Ukman, RD, LD, CDE www.fuelingfemme.com