How about a huge CFSTC shout out to Meghan Hortsman! October is all hers! Meghan is such a positive influence inside and outside of the gym, it’s a blessing to know her! Read up below!
1. When & How Did You Get Started With Us?
– I started at CFSTC in January of 2016. Connor had been a member for about a year and I thought he was kind of cool so I decided to join him.
2. Favorite/ Least Favorite Workout and why?
I used to enjoy anything with running/burpees but not so much after having Dieter. I hate heavy deadlifts.
3. Favorite class to come too?
My heart still belongs at 7 pm but turns out babies have bed times so the 5 PMs have been my jam!
4. Tell us a little about the day in the life of Meghan?
Wake up, eat cereal, get D man fed and ready for school (shout out to connor who helps) get Dieter to day care (#DieterDoesDayCare) get myself to work (IT Project Manager at World Wide Technology) and then spend some time after work at yoga, the gym, or spending as much time as I can with Dieter.
5. What is your favorite TV show?
Law & Order SVU
6. Favorite cheat meal, go!
Every meal is a cheat meal if you try hard enough. Probably pizza.
7. If you could have any super power what would it be and why?
I’d create more time.
8. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
Lake Tahoe is next on my list, it looks beautiful!
9. Whats the Meghan Motto?
You do you, boo.