Athlete of the Month

Rachael Wescott!


Tell us a little bit about yourself:

I’m a kind and caring person who likes to help others and see people succeed. I’m very motivated once I set myself on something.

What made you start CrossFit and what has kept you doing it?

I have always gone to club fitness or something like that and never could lose any weight because the people there weren’t welcoming. So a friend introduced me to CrossFit and told me to give it a try! So here I am-10 years later!

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Has your motivation changed since you first started?

It has, I feel like if I don’t show up at classes I feel like a lump !!!

What have you learned since joining the CFStC family?

That you can start from any level and if you work hard you can do anything you put your mind too!

What is your favorite movement?

Prowler and tire flips.

What impact has CF had on you outside of the gym?

I can do more things, like hiking, when I go on vacations. Doing things with my kiddo that I couldn’t do before because everything hurt, even flying!!!!! Running, soooo many things and not enough space here to tell!!!

What is your next CF goal and how close are you to reaching it?

Working on pull ups right now!!!! My goal is to get them without the bands by the end of summer!!!

What is something we might not know about you?

This one is a little hard … but .. I will move around my schedule to make it to the gym if I have to . This is me time!!

What advice might you give to someone who is considering joining CFStC or who is new to the gym?

Just do it . I did it and it may be hard, but it’s well worth it . I’m living proof. It helps when you have such amazing coaches to help you thru and the people that surround you. I will never go anywhere else! 

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What is the Rachael motto?

Not sure I have a motto … but just push yourself .. if I can do it , anyone can!!!

If you could write your own WOD, what would it look like?

This one is scary because I know if I say it, Michelle will make me do it , lol …. but anything with rowing , sit-ups , and dumbbells 

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Rachael is also celebrating 10 years with CrossFit St Charles this year! The Coaches and Staff are so proud of her and her dedication to her health and wholeness. She inspires us every day!

“Thank you to my coaches who make this place welcoming and enjoyable to come too… the last 10 years that I have been coming here have been the hardest mentally for me, but I have grown and made myself healthier for me and my family ! Plus my kiddo can grow up here and I love that about here too. I love you all.”-Rachael

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