So Far the CoVid-19 effect on St. Charles county has been significantly less than in other parts of the country. As of last night, there is one case of confirmed CoVid-19 in St. Louis County and no cases in the City of St. Louis and St. Charles County. While this is good news it does not mean we should not take this threat very seriously. In order to diminish the risk to communities, local large businesses, schools and social events are reducing time spent in large groups.
Running a gym during this time presents a whole host of challenges, from safety to fear. Not gonna lie, it’s really stressful. That said, we have a really incredible community that we are committed to keeping as healthy as possible.
Our Plan:
It starts with you
First and foremost, educate yourself.
Regular and Social media has a lot of information, much of which is wrong. Go straight to the reputable sources. Above are links to the St. Louis and St. Charles county sites on Covid-19. Below are the links to the
CDC and Missouri Dept. of Health
There is a wealth of solid information at all these sites. If you hear information that concerns you, please fact check with these sites.
Review your risk factors. Some members of our greater population are at higher risk than others. Follow this link to determine if you should take extra precautions
AT The Gym:
If you are sick. Stay home. Err on the side of caution. The symptoms of COVID-19 in their early stages can appear to be allergies or a cold. The symptoms tend to worsen with time. If in doubt, stay home.
We have antibacterial gym wipes and will put out more so that they are convenient to you all for wiping down your equipment after each class. Please be a little OCD about this.
Our bathroom soap is antibacterial too, use it! Keep your hands clean!
We have provided hand sanitizer in the bathrooms and at the front desk. Use them but understand that it does not take the place of good handwashing.
When exiting the bathrooms, grab the door handle with the paper towel you just used to dry your hands. Door knobs/handles are germie.
We have provided tissues in each of the bathrooms. Discard them after each use. Resist the urge to drop them on the gym floor. Also, do not drop tape from your hands on the gym floor. That just gross anyway.
Cough into a tissue or your elbow.
Greet folks with an elbow bump instead of a handshake or a bear hug.
These guidelines may seem extreme in the moment but if we are diligent in our considerations for ourselves and each other then we can live our lives without fear.
Our goal is to keep our doors open to serve our awesome CFSTC community.
As the situation unfolds we will adjust accordingly.
Thank you all for your amazing efforts!
Kim and all the Staff