We’ve had the Wall of Intention up for a while now. Some athletes have completely smashed their goals well ahead of schedule and it’s been exciting to watch. Others are perking along on the right track, putting in the work that will lead to the payoff.
As with any journey we all must step back and take a look at what we’ve done.We must take a moment to reasses what it is we are after.
Are your goals still in line with what you want?
Do your goals support your lifestyle?
Does your lifestyle support your goals?
Are there any changes you can make to reach your goals or simply to stay on track toward them?
The New Year often brings thoughts of new beginnings. It is the perfect time to asses what and how we are doing and revisit our plans. To re-commit to everything that is important to us.
On January 1, 2017, we’ll be erasing the Wall of Intention and we ask that each of you restate what you intend to achieve. For those who have yet to commit to the “Wall” start thinking about your future successes.
Stating your intentions is one of the most powerful things you can do.