Festive Games at CrossFit St. Charles


We’re excited to share with you that we’re hosting Festivus Games, an International competition for Novice, Intermediate and Masters Athletes – no fire breathers allowed! If you’ve ever thought “I’d like to compete but I can’t do that” the Novice/Masters class is perfect for you. And if you’ve got some experience but you’re not Rx then the Intermediate class is ideal for you. On October 17th, 2015 10,000 Athletes will compete in more than 150 boxes worldwide. This is your chance to compete regardless of skill. Everyone can row…just how fast? Everyone can deadlift…just how much? The one percenters make it to ESPN. Festivus Games is for “the rest of us.” Check out this video , review the WODs /and then get registered! If you have any questions let me know.
best fitness training classes at CrossFit St Charles

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