Challenge yourself! You can do Festi86802892 10156639037506599 5042739871240683520 nvus Games! Thousands of everyday athletes will compete on April 18th, 2020 at more than 150 locations in four countries! Novice, Intermediate & Masters 45+ Only – No pure Rx, No Fire Breathers!


WHAT: Novice, Intermediate & Masters 45+ Individuals


WHEN: April 18th / FREE Shirt Deadline 03/22/2020⠀




WOD DETAILS –> buff.ly/2SiU8EA

JOIN OUR COMMUNITY: A Festivus Games competition is built a

⠀⠀⠀round good people looking to be challenged. With your boxmates, you will sweat, laugh, cheer and compete. No athlete, whether six months in or brand new, will need to scale any of the events. Festivus Games is about capacity more than a high degree of skill. Everyone can row…just how fast? Everyone can deadlift…just how much? Thousands of athletes will compete worldwide, all on the same day, in this amazing one-day event.

Tag, share, promposal invite! Just make sure you don’t miss out!

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