A. 5 sets:
8 Single Leg KB Deadlifts, Heavy, each
Rest :20 between legs
B. Deadlift
3 sets x 6 reps @ 60-70%
3 second lower, 2 sec pause at the top of each
5 sets of:
2 Strict Muscle Up
4 sets of:
3 Pistols (each)
3 sets of:
4 Strict Handstand Push ups
2 sets of:
Max Handstand Hold (away from wall)
Complete all of the sets before moving onto the next exercise.
Rest only :30 between each exercise and each set.
Row 2000m at an easy pace
Box News
Bring a Friend Day May 18th!
Memorial Day Murph WOD & Potluck May 29th @9:00am