Friday-Level Up Training

 Today is Michael Heath’s last day with us before he heads off to start school in Arizona! Your smile and attitude will be greatly missed. Best of wishes on your new chapter!


3 sets for quality:
5 Strict Chest to Ring Pull ups (w/ False grip)
5 Strict Ring Dips
1-5 Strict Muscle Up

Fight Gone Bad
3 rounds of 1 minute work at each station for max reps:
Wall-ball, 20/14 pound ball, 10 ft target
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75/55
Box Jump, 20″ box
Push-press, 75/55
Row (Calories)

Rest 1 minute between rounds
*Compare scores to April 5th 2016

4 rounds for quality
5 Romanian Deadlift, @40% DL 1RM
5 Weighted Pull ups

*Best done after FGB

Daily Midline
8 rounds Tabata, (:20 work/ :10 rest) alternating through:
GHD Hip Extension
GHD Hip Extension Static Hold

4 minutes total work. 4 sets each.

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