We want to give a big congratulations to Emily for being our first Athlete of the Month for the 2022 year! From being stuck at home for work and feeling energy depleted, to now finally regaining that energy with a new love for fitness from our gym, read all about her journey as an athlete down below!
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I’m originally from the Springfield, MO area and moved to St. Louis after college to start working in the meeting and events industry. COVID caused a bit of a pivot in the work area, so now I’m working for Express Scripts as data analysis. I’ve been married a little over a year now and live in Cottleville with my husband, Zach, and dog Maple. We love hiking, biking and exploring different restaurants, and trying new beers.
2. What made you start CrossFit and what has kept you doing it?
I really started to feel weak and had little to no energy after working from home for a while and being less active. I’ve always enjoyed working out but found it stressful going to bigger gyms and trying to plan my workouts and find the equipment I needed. I had done CrossFit after high school and knew I needed to try again. I love going into the gym and not having to think or plan at all!
3. Has your motivation changed since you first started?
CrossFit has finally become a natural part of my routine. At first, I was trying out different times of classes to see what worked and finally found I’m a tad more motivated in the evening!
4. What have you learned since joining the CrossFit St. Charles family?
- I have little to no ability to make it to the gym on a daily basis when it’s still dark in the morning.
5. What is your favorite movement?
I have little to no ability to make it to the gym on a daily basis when it’s still dark in the morning. Cleans! But also love the challenge of double-unders in a workout.
6. What impact has CF had on you outside of the gym?
I’ve had so much more energy when doing the activities I love and being in the gym also makes me want more nutritious food which has helped a ton as well. I’ve really started to see weight loss and body composition changes in the past few months and can’t wait to continue.
7. What is your next CrossFit goal and how closer are you to reaching it?
I’d love to master more of the gymnastics movements. I finally have a few kipping pull-ups but would love to do strict pull-ups and a bar muscle up eventually! I just started trying to do Rx on some of the workouts with kipping pull-ups in them.
8. What’s something we might not know about you?
I am headed to Hawaii in February (my rescheduled honeymoon) and am excited to test out my fitness progress on some harder hikes!
9. What advice might you give to someone who is concerning joining CFSTC or is new to the gym?
Start where you are and celebrate every accomplishment, even if it seems small in comparison to others! I’ve had to learn that I’m nowhere near the athletic level I was in high school and college and that’s okay. My fitness journey looks A LOT different than it used to so every new skill or pr is worth celebrating.
10. What is the Emily motto?
Just show up! Even on the days where you don’t feel 100% or can’t do everything in the workout. Show up, do what you can and don’t be too hard on yourself.
11. If you could write your own WOD, what would it look like?
I might be in the minority that actually likes the assault bike, so probably some combination of biking, double-unders, and cleans.
12. What are two of your favorite songs?
Could Have Been Me by The Struts
Congratulations to Emily once again! The entire CFStC team is proud of your hard work and consistency ever since joining the gym! We know you’ll keep killing it!
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