Giving a big congratulations to our July 2021 Athlete of the Month, Jana Schultz! Jana is the mother of kids class athlete Lincoln Schultz and works out in the AM! Get to know her more by reading our full interview!

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I am a wife (married for 21 years!) and parent of 2 teenage boys (13 and 16). I am an Assistant Principal at Independence Elementary in the Francis Howell School District, and I just finished my 12th year in that role. I love to travel ( especially to Negril, Jamaica), spend time with my family, and watching my boys play their sports (baseball, football, basketball, wrestling, and my 13-year-old occasionally does the youth Crossfit class). They keep us busy year-round but they love it and I am so grateful that they have the opportunities to do what they love.

2. What made you start CrossFit and what has kept you doing it?

Years ago, I signed up for a personal trainer at Club Fitness. He introduced me to strength training and a WOD. I had a lot of success with that, and then he moved. I signed up with other trainers who were similar and I trusted them, and eventually started doing group training with them. The training became very similar to what I later learned to be Crossfit-like workouts, they just weren’t calling it Crossfit. The small group training came to an end, and one of my trainers encouraged me to try out the  Crossfit class that was part of Club Fitness. And the rest is history..I’ve been to Premium Crossfit and Freedom Fitness and coached/owned by Nick Chapman. When Freedom closed, Nick highly recommended St. Charles Crossfit. I have kept doing it because of the coaching and the community. I love that the programming can be modified to meet individual needs and goals. I am easily intimidated or overwhelmed by some of the workouts we do, but I remind myself that it can be adjusted to meet my needs so I can reach my own goals. 

3. Has your motivation changed since you first started?

My motivation has its ups and downs. Sometimes, I am motivated to push myself harder, and other times, not so much. On those days, the goal is to just make sure I go to class and do my best for that day. One thing that motivates me to come on the days when I don’t want to is the people. I know that I am always welcome and no judgment is passed. Everyone is always encouraging and inviting which makes it easy to go back even when I don’t think I want to go.

4. What have you learned since joining the CrossFit St. Charles family?

I’ve learned to ‘run my own race’ and to focus on my own goals. I listen to the coaches and try to be open-minded. 

5. What is your favorite movement?

All the movements seem hard to me but if I had to pick a favorite, I’d say push press and/or power clean. 

6. What impact has CF had on you outside of the gym?

Participating in Crossfit is definitely my self-care. Sometimes as a school administrator, my days can be stressful and busy.  When I know I have something coming up that can be difficult, I can easily remind myself that ‘I can do hard things.  Sometimes, when I know I have a potentially stressful meeting to participate in or lead, I make sure I get my workout in because it seems to help me mentally prepare for the meeting. 

7. What is your next CrossFit goal and how closer are you to reaching it?

I want to improve my own confidence and belief in myself so my goal is to continue to make coming to class a priority and to continue to be mindful of the nutrition side of fitness. 

8. What’s something we might not know about you?

As I said in a previous question, I love to travel. My favorite place to go is Negril, Jamaica. I’ve been there 9 times! 

9. What advice might you give to someone who is concerning joining CFSTC or is new to the gym?

CFSTC can be for anyone.  There isn’t a certain age, fitness level, or body type requirement. Anyone who wants to get a good workout and take care of him/herself can do this! Just give it a try!

10. What is the Jana motto?

Calm is strength. Take deep breaths and stay calm and you can get through anything. 

11. If you could write your own WOD, what would it look like?

Well, having the WOD written for me is another reason why I continue to return to the classes because I don’t like to think about what I’m doing. But if I had to write one, it would include push press and then: AMRAP:10 cal bike10 dumbbell power clean10 box jumps/step-ups

12. What are two of your favorite songs?

Three Little Birds-Bob Marley and Just Breathe-Pearl Jam. These are not workout songs though…lol! 

Congratulations once again, Jana! We’re proud of all your hard work and are grateful for you to be a part of the CFStC community!

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