Mathieu L. AOTM


Giving a big congratulations to our June Athlete of the Month, Mathieu Lefebvre! Every since joining the CFStC community, Mathieu has improved so much and is always consistent with the AM classes! Get to know him more by reading our full interview with him!!

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I’m from France. I’m the Executive Chef for a private dining club. I have a wife and three girls, ages 7, 4 and 10 months.What made you start CrossFit and what has kept you doing it?

2. What made you start CrossFit and what has kept you doing it?

My old coach, Aaron got me into CrossFit. I really liked it and just kept with it.

3. Has your motivation changed since you first started?


4. What have you learned since joining the CrossFit St. Charles family?

A lot! Every coach has their own way to teach you, but they’re all helpful and have really helped me improve.

5. What is your favorite movement?

I don’t have a favorite… I like all of them

6. What impact has CF had on you outside of the gym?

It’s part of my routine. If I don’t go to CrossFit in the morning, my day is off.

7. What is your next CrossFit goal and how closer are you to reaching it?

Getting better at double under and muscle ups. I’m very close but very far. Everyday getting better.

8. What’s something we might not know about you?

I have an accent

9. What advice might you give to someone who is concerning joining CFSTC or is new to the gym?

Don’t think, just sign up. It’s good for you.

10. What is the Mathieu Motto?

No answer

11. If you could write your own WOD, what would it look like?

Whatever CrossFit St. Charles tells me to do.

12. What are two of your favorite songs?

Thunderstruck and Highway to Hell

Great work Mathieu! We’re super happy to have you a part of the CFStC family and can’t wait to see what else you’ll do! For more CFStC news and updates, make sure to follow us on Instagram (, Facebook ( and join our Facebook Group! (

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