Kristen Is Athlete Of The Month!

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Lets have a big shout out for Kristen Wood! She is the the first Athlete of the Month in 2019! She’s as good as they come, get to know her below!

1. When & How Did You Get Started With Us? 
1. When & How Did You Get Started With Us?
I started in September 2017. I got interested in CrossFit after watching the games documentaries on Netflix. After having 2 kids and feeling like I got put back together like a Picaso, I needed something different and thought this would be the change I needed.
2. Favorite & Least Favorite movement and why? 
I love anything with a barbell. I love getting new PRs on movements, its so fun. Burpees are my nemesis.
3. What’s your favorite memory at CrossFit St. Charles? 
I actually have pretty serious social anxiety. I am so shy its hard for me to put myself out there and try new things and meet new people. So every time I come to the gym and accomplish those things its my new favorite memory.
(❤️ We love this so much)
4. Tell us a little about the day in the life of Kristen? 
I get up way too early for my liking, get ready for the work, take a kid to school and get to work, save the world (not really I work in a bank doing AML 🙂 ), leave work and get kids or start dinner, clean up, help my oldest with reading or math homework, get the kids ready for bed, and if its a good day I get to come work out.
5. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? 
Probably being in more than one place at a time. Then maybe I could get everything done I want to.
6. Favorite cheat meal, go! 
Pizza, all day er-ry day!
7. If you were to write a book, what would it be called? 
The Many Disasters of an Amateur Baker
8.  If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
This is so tough. Definitely Europe. Probably London or Paris. I have spent a lot of time reading about British and French history so to see the places I have read and studied would be amazing
9. Whats the Kristen Motto? 
I wish I could say it is something super motivating but I dont really have a motto. Right now I have been saying “That sounds like a you problem, not a me problem” a lot.
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