Last Lean Mean Military Green Athlete spotlight goes to……TWO ATHLETES Heather R. and Meghan H.

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Last Lean Mean Military Green Athlete spotlight goes to……TWO ATHLETES Heather R. and Meghan H.

1. Heather Raines- I want to shout out Heather for being a bad ass in general. She crushed 19.5 and every single open workout she completed. She had a nasty sinus infection half way through the open but pushed through and even earned 1st place on 19.4 (while she was still very sick) hammering through those strict handstand push-ups like they were nothing. Heather is my inspiration. She is an incredibly hard-working and successful executive, mother and wife and she still finds the time to put in work at the gym and never makes excuses. Thanks for being on my team Heather!!!

2. Meghan Leigh Horstman.- I can’t say enough about this lady. First and foremost, she brought Dieter into our lives and that is the greatest gift of all. Second, yoga. Thank you for yoga. Third, she did awesome on 19.5 even with an upset Dieter trying to throw her off her game. She never stopped pushing herself and it was incredibly inspiring to watch. She’s also had some massive post-pregnancy PRs these last few weeks. Meghan is a dope ass friend and team member and I hope we are always and forever on the same open team.

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