We’ve been listening to your feedback about your first week of at-home WODS and we know the struggle to motivate yourself is real.
One of the best motivators is a schedule! Putting down your intention has a way of making you stick to it. Right now, it’s easy to just wake up and do what comes to mind. And let’s face it, we all know how great we feel after a WOD but doing it, but it doesn’t always hold first or even second place in our minds when we wake up. … actually doing a workout when your TV is so close… That’s HARD!
So this week we challenge you to write your day!
Routine creates structure and reduces stress. Giving your life order and flow will organically create some calm.
Routine helps the important things get done! Routine eliminates a lot of the procrastination that can take place.
Routine prevents fatigue, with a routine you don’t spend emotional and mental energy wondering what comes next. You know what to devote your time and attention to and WHEN.
Routine build confidence! When you repeat routine tasks over and over, we grow more and more brave and bold. We know we can accomplish and we become more interested in working on new things.
This week, write down your schedule! Tag us in it! @CrossFitStcharles #Crossfitstcharles
If you have trouble coming up with a routine, reach out to a coach! We want to help!