Do you know Coach Jen? Not only does she coach the PM classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays – including the Sunday morning class – but she’s also the wife to Coach Alex and mother of Hannah Leander and Emily Cutshall! Their family has been a part of the gym ever since 2008 when CrossFit St. Charles was founded! 🤯 To learn more about her, read our interview with her below!
1. What is your experience/ background in fitness and exercise?
My experience was pretty much nonexistent until I started CrossFit.
2. How and when did you discover CrossFit?
I discovered CFSTC when Kim first started way back when at the gymnastics building. At that time both my girls were there for team practice so I saw her info and thought why not! I have been with Kim and CFSTC ever since.
3. What are you most passionate about when it comes to CrossFit?
The fact that CF is for everyone and the people of course! Also the fact that this has been such a huge part of my family’s life for the past 13 years.
4. Why did you become a CF coach?
I saw how confident and successful CF was making me feel, especially not having an athletic background at all, and I wanted to share that with others. I have always been a “people person” and worked with teaching/training in my professional career so this was another way for me to connect with people, especially with something that was becoming such a huge component of my life.
5. What’s a big lesson you’ve learned from being a coach?
I have learned that each of the coaches have different strengths and we are not all the same and that is OK!! We all bring different levels of flare and experience and that is what makes us a great team. We do not have to be cookie-cutter coaches.
6. What do you think is the most important part of being a coach?
Connecting with the members, finding out what is driving them to walk through the doors each day!
7. What’s your favorite part about being a coach?
I will say it again, the people. Knowing that I helped someone, helping them have that ah ha moment.
8. What do you hope to do for others as a coach?
To remember that we all have stress, stuff going on outside of the CFSTC doors. We may have had setbacks in our fitness careers for one reason or another, but no matter what, once you walk into the box, be proud of what you achieve and have fun!
If you ever take a PM class on Tuesday or Thursday or happen to get a workout in on Sunday morning, then make sure to take some time to say hi to Jen Leander! Make sure to come back next Monday to meet another coach! 🔥
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