Say hello to Coach Kyle! A long-time member and coach of the CrossFit St. Charles fam and a big lover of the entire CFStC community! Not only that, but he’s also the husband to Kayleigh Kellis; another athlete that’s been with us for quite some time! Kyle has coached everything from the kids class to PT! Read about him in our interview below!
1. What is your experience/ background in fitness and exercise?
I’ve been coaching Crossfit since 2014. I received my Level 1 and 2 certifications. I’ve also been certified in the anatomy course, scaling course, and adaptive athletes. I’ve played sports since I could walk. I started with soccer, baseball, and hockey when I was young. In middle school, I started football which I played throughout high school. Fitness has always been my main passion in life and when I found CrossFit it truly brought back the sports atmosphere.
2. How and when did you discover CrossFit?
I went to Mizzou with Ben back in 2013. One night I came to Ben about a photo of what I thought was one of our friends who looked insanely fit. I’ll never forget he started laughing at me saying that it was a person named “Rich Froning”. That night we watched youtube videos of Rich and Dan Bailey doing wods till 3am in the morning. Ever since then we’ve both been hooked.
3. What are you most passionate about when it comes to CrossFit?
The most passionate thing about CrossFit is the community. The community is truly the definition of CrossFit. It takes 1-hour of working out with others and turns them into your family. Every single person that walks through that door has the guts to swallow their pride and try to better themselves. You suffer together and come out on top afterward. Some of the best advice I always hear is you need to fail every day to be successful. These relationships I’ve built have truly changed my life for the better.
4. Why did you become a CF coach?
I became a CrossFit coach because I was in love with the sport. I wanted to better myself as well as others. It was a product that I really believed in that could change people’s lives for the better.
5. What’s a big lesson you’ve learned from being a coach?
A big lesson I’ve learned from being a coach is to always be grateful, and never believe you know everything because there is always something you can learn.
6. What do you think is the most important part of being a coach?
The most important part of being a coach is to understand that your members when they walk through those doors look to you for everything. Whether it be answers on a movement, support, and celebration. They usually come to you by themselves looking for help. As a coach, it’s our job to bring them in and show them everything we know.
7. What’s your favorite part about being a coach?
The best part about being a coach is I get to use the gym whenever I want, duh! No, I kid, it’s the people of course. My family and I have best friends that we call family because of Crossfit St. Charles.
8. What do you hope to do for others as a coach?
The main goal for me when coaching others is to brighten their day for that one hour. It’s one hour they get to themselves to put everything aside and better themselves. My goal is to make them feel like they did better themselves that day and I’ll see them tomorrow because of it.
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