Meet the Coaches Trever Hotop

Meet The Coaches 2021: Trever Hotop

With Coach Trever recently making his return to the gym, it was only right that we introduce properly introduce him to the community! Aside from being a genius and treasure of weightlifting information, Trever is has proven to be a super-strong coach and athlete! Make sure to read all about him in our interview below!


1. What is your experience/ background in fitness and exercise?

I have always been into training and prepping for sports when I was younger. Growing up my family was really active. So when I first started training I loved it wanted to teach people to help them better themselves. I started training people when I was 15 years old for basketball and baseball. Then it just continued from there to training people for general fitness, strength and for sports.

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2. How and when did you discover CrossFit?

I discovered Crossfit in December 2010 when I was in college. I was playing basketball against some people and a guy asked me to work out with him after. We did Fran, so if you know Crossfit you know how that went. It kicked my butt and I fell in love with Crossfit. That guy then became my training partner for 5 years until he moved away for a head coach position at a gym.

3. What are you most passionate about when it comes to CrossFit?

My passion for Crossfit comes from sharing the gift of bettering people’s lives and helping athletes reach their goals. Crossfit gave me a life that I didn’t know would be possible. I love to teach athletes and I live for those moments where they do something that they didn’t think they were capable of doing.

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4. Why did you become a CF coach?

I became a Crossfit coach to change lives and cause an impact on the fitness community. I did my first situp because of Crossfit due to being born without abdominal muscles (prune belly syndrome.)  This led to many other things I didn’t think were possible. So that was the final event that made me get certified so that I could help others.

5. What’s a big lesson you’ve learned from being a coach?

My biggest lesson from Crossfit is everyone learns in a different way and at different speeds. So I believe patience would be my biggest lesson. This also leads to Olympic lifting as well for teaching patience in the lifts.

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6. What do you think is the most important part of being a coach? 

The most important part of coaching is focusing on making those baby steps for everyone each day. You will not PR every day you come in; so if you aren’t good at something in the WOD focus on that to make it better for that day. Then you can maintain and/or progress those other movements as well. So by setting small goals each day you can all get better.

7. What’s your favorite part about being a coach?

My favorite part about coaching is helping others and trying to make their day better. Whether it’s coaching in the morning, or the evening my goal is to make that time in the gym one of the highlights of the day for the athletes. 

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8. What do you hope to do for others as a coach?

 I only hope to inspire the athletes and other coaches each and every day to always look at making themselves better. The more we do that the more we can teach each other and keep making progress.

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Welcome back Trever! We’re super happy to have you back and can’t wait to see how you’ll make all of our athletes better!

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