How did you find CrossFit?
My husband and I were on our house hunting-trip from Seattle. We moved here almost 2 years ago. Landon had been doing Crossfit in Seattle and loved it. I said I would never do Crossfit, EVER! It just wasn’t my thing. So, when Landon realized that CFSTC was 3 mins from our new house he said “we have to go check it out”. I was totally against it and afraid. 😉 We showed up and we met Kim. She drew me in with who she was and I knew very quickly that I would be well taken care of. 🙂 Soon after that, I quickly realized this could be a life-changing place for me, mind and body. Then I met all of you and it sealed the deal.
Can you describe your favorite memory at CFSTC?
I have many. But I think my favorite memory is my first competition. Granted it wasn’t at CFSTC, but it was with lots of people from there. I never thought I would ever compete. It was one of the best days of my life. It was so amazing to be surrounded by all these amazing athletes, different levels of strength and ability. But it didn’t matter. Everyone was each others biggest fan. I felt so supported by my Crossfit St. Charles family. It is such a beautiful thing to have so many people believe in you and encourage you. I have a video of me at the end of my first WOD, and I turned around, there was a group of people cheering for me, yelling and cheering, smiling and my eyes welled up with tears, and a few of them grabbed me and pulled me into them and hugged me. In that moment I thought, this is what it is all about…COMMUNITY. It is so much deeper than lifting weights and I learned so much that day; about myself and about this amazing group of people that I have been working out with and learning from. It is a GIFT to be able to physically do all that we are able to do, and do it together. That night, I laid in bed and felt this deep joy and satisfaction. First, that I accomplished my goal and second, that I gave it my all with the BEST group of people, coaches, and my family surrounding me.
What is your favorite movement to work on?
Front and back squats, cleans, push/split jerking, push press, thrusters (Oh shoot, was I suppose to pick one?!) 🙂
Favorite WOD?
Anything with wall balls, squats, box jumps, or cleans
Least favorite WOD?
Anything with burpees, running or overhead squats
If you had a superpower, what would your powers be and why?
Super Speed. So, in all things I can move more quickly when needed and have more time to live, give, and love!
If you could have the ultimate cheat meal, w/ no negative consequences, what would it be?
Pizza…Canadian bacon and pineapple, amber beer, and white cake with white buttercream frosting.(thick frosting!!!)
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Labor Day Schedule- Class at 8am and 3pm only
Lift Up Autism, September 19th
Festivus Games Oct 17th! Hosted by yours truly at CFSTC!
Check out Whats for Dinner