For time:
20 Hang Power Snatch, 115/80
40 Chest to Bar Pull ups
60 Calorie Row
5-4-3-4-5 reps for quality:
Overhead Squat, Heavy (Grip more narrow than usual)
Weighted Dip (Ring or Stationary)
Weighted Supine Ring Row (Plate on belly)
Double Kettlebell Strict Press, Heavy
Daily Midline & Accessory
3 rounds for quality:
:20 L-Sit hold (on rings)
:30 Glute Bridge Hold
:40 Plank
COS: Iron Scap Protocal
Click here to record scores to Train Heroic
Click here to sign up for class
Box News
Holiday/New Year Party @ Ryan Barr’s House Saturday the 31st!