Monday – Steve Is Athlete of the Month!

Let give a huge shoutout to Steve Lunatto, he is Athlete of the Month! This guy has that fire that everyone wants, get to know him below! 

1. Congrats Steve! Athlete of the Month! Whats your favorite pump up song to play as we read this?
 Every day on the way to the gym I used to listen to ‘Till I Collapse by Eminem so either that or anything Metallica

2. How long have you been with us now? How did you find us? 
I started with the “new you” challenge on Sept. 20th 2016 so a little over 5 months.

I saw an ad on Facebook for the challenge, I was at a point in my life that I desperately needed to change my lifestyle, so I signed up. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made!

3. Favorite workout? 
I really like learning the Oly weightlifting techniques, even though I suck at most of them, I like working on them, other than that anything that takes me to the point where I feel like I’m about to die but stops just short.

4. Least Favorite?  

Running, but I’m trying to make friends with this enemy, oh ya and wallballs aren’t really fun either
5. Whats the best part of working out with the 5:00pm crew?  

 I love the 5 pm class, I get the benefit of working out with some amazing people, and I also get to see and visit with a lot of other people that are in gym at that time. I also like the fact that I get a chance to be coached by both Kyle and Ben, both of them have helped me so much, can’t thank them enough

6. Super power of choice?  

May the Force be with me, I want the powers of the Jedi

7. What was the first CD you ever bought? 

Def Leppard-Hysteria

8. What inspires you?
My Son, my family, the people I see killing it in the box every day, the fact that every morning when I wake up I want to create a new better version of me than I was the day before for myself and those around me. I’ve let myself down in many ways in the past and I’m determined to not let that happen again.

 Thank you for being so awesome Steve! We are so grateful to have you!

EMOM x 10
2 Push Press, Climbing

5 rounds:
1 minute AMRAP:
5 Deadlift + 5 Thruster, 95/65

Rest 1 minute between round

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