After I found CrossFit, I may have lurked on the site for 18 months. Consuming the information but not yet getting the courage to do a workout. They all looked so exciting. I’m still not sure what I was afraid of but I knew that I was afraid. I loved thinking about exercise more than doing it.

I learned the movements, practiced the squat and worked on a strict pull up.

For an early birthday gift my husband installed a pull up bar over a door in our basement. I was basically working out in a closet. 

Finally, I decided on Cindy as my first WOD

20 min. Amrap
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

The push ups were on my knees, the squats were to a wallball to ensure depth and the pull ups were banded/kipping.

The feeling of “WOW! I just did that!” is intoxicating. 

I did 13 rounds that day. Not fast but not stopping. Enjoying every minute of the work. I gained strength and experience but most importantly confidence. One 20 minute workout opened a whole world of possibilities for me. 

Later, I logged onto the HQ website and posted my results. I was now a member of this community of people who I’d never met but were giving me encouragement and positive feedback. The encouragement of strangers has no expectations, it is pure.

This feeling, more than anything is what I want to share with everyone. The encouragement of a community of strangers who are already excited for and proud of you for taking the first step. Strangers who then become your closest friends

These are the first steps of building confidence to do more and be greater.
When we are in the moment of doing our best we no longer have to limit ourselves to our or others perceptions. To surprise ourselves and actually feel our own potential. 

“Cindy” was more than just a first workout for me, it was a new beginning.

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