Nicole! This woman is nothing short of an amazing athlete! Consistent, hard-working, shows up to class, and is a beast! We’re super happy to award her Athlete of the Month at CrossFit St. Charles and celebrate her hard work! Ever since finding CrossFit in 2013, she hasn’t looked back! She’s learned how to take on new workouts that she’s not used to, and may possibly even doing a competition this year! Read all about her in our interview below!
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I am 35 years old. I started Crossfit in 2013. I have been married for 10 years and have two fur babies, Dalton and Fiona. I work as a Registered Nurse at Washington University in the Department of Multispecialty Medicine.
2. What made you start CrossFit and what has kept you doing it?
I started Crossfit because I received a 30-day free pass at the Globo Gym that I was going to. They were putting in a CrossFit gym next door and I was bored of my normal routine of just doing cardio. I honestly thought I would just give it a try for 30 days and then go back to my normal routine but I became instantly hooked.
3. Has your motivation changed since you first started?
My motivation has changed so much since starting. At first, I wanted to lose weight and get toned, Then started to get really competitive and wanted to do any competition I could sign up for. Now as I am a little older, my motivation is to stay healthy and have fun with my training.
4. What have you learned since joining the CrossFit St. Charles family?
I have learned how to adjust to different coaching styles and programming that I have not necessarily have been used to from my previous years of Crossfit.
5. What is your favorite movement?
GHD situps and pullups.
6. What impact has CF had on you outside of the gym?
So much! Before CrossFit, I just focused on being as skinny as possible. Now I love the way Crossfit has given me muscles and strength that I never thought I could have. It has built my self-confidence tremendously. I have also gained lifelong friends and relationships from all of my years of CrossFit.
7. What is your next CrossFit goal and how closer are you to reaching it?
Maybe to do a Crossfit Competition as a “Masters” athlete. Hopefully this year.
8. What’s something we might not know about you?
I am a volunteer for Stray Rescue St. Louis and absolutely love it!
9. What advice might you give to someone who is concerning joining CFSTC or is new to the gym?
Be coachable, keep showing up, and enjoy the process! Don’t let others intimidate you. What someone else is doing in the gym might have taken them years to achieve. Everyone has to start somewhere
10. What is the Nicole motto?
Let go of who you think you’re supposed to be; embrace who you are.
11. If you could write your own WOD, what would it look like?
At least a 30-minute WOD of Running, GHD situps, and Pullups.
12. What are two of your favorite songs?
There are so many but I’ll just stick to two of my go-to workout songs:
Britney Spears- Work B**ch
Foo Fighters- Everlong
Congratulations Nicole! We’re super proud of you and can’t wait to see how else you’ll kill the CrossFit game!
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