Taking a Leap of Faith


box jum

The dreaded box jump. We all have experienced it. Standing and looking down, waiting for your legs to move. Maybe you’ve never had a problem jumping before and all of the sudden, no ups!

Back when we were kids it was so easy. hopscotch, puddles, jumping off the swing and even out of trees. My brother and cousin once jumped off our garage! Now we are older, so much more grounded, so cautious and conservative in our movement.  It’s the same with life. Also, you are convinced that your gym sharpens the edges!
Here are a few tips to get you unstuck.

  1. Breath. Sounds silly but it is the most important thing we do.  No shallow panic breathing here. Good lung fillers that allow you to relax when you exhale
  2. Size does matter. Start small. At CFStC use the blocks and build in 2″ increments. Find the size that suits you and use it during the WOD
  3. Visualize. Look at the box and see your feet landing in the middle of the box.
  4. Recognize. It’s just a box. It does not own or control you.
  5. Focus. If you should get tired or distracted, take the time to refocus. Take as many refocus breaks as you need.
  6. Practice. Make jumping on a box, no matter what height a part of your day.
  7. Get back on that horse. If you fall, jump again. When you were a baby and learning to walk, I’m certain you fell. You got up and tried again. Make that choice
    Work to conquer your fears. On the Grand Scale of Life, the fear of box jumps is small but powerful.  Beat this one who knows whats next.
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