4 rounds
10 Tempo Front Squat (2 second negative, 5 second pause) -Build to a 10RM
10 DB Bench Press, Heavy & Slow
“Frenemies (Teams of 2)”
3 rounds of 2 minutes at each station:
Station 1: 10 KBS (A) + 5 Goblet Squat, 55/35
Station 2: Down & Back Prowler Push, 90/45
Station 3: 5 Slamballs, 40/30
Rest 1 minute between rounds
2 Partners per team. Only 1 partner working at a time. Partner 1 completes the listed work, while 2 rests, switch when completed. At 2 minutes, quickly move to the next station
Score is total reps completed, keep a continuous running total.
Prowler Push Down & Back is 1 rep
Daily Midline
3 rounds for quality:
10 Dumbbell Side Bends (each side)
12 Goblet Bulgarian Split Squat, Across
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