Thursday – Level Up Training

Snatch Complex
3 Snatch Deadlifts + 3 Hang Power Snatch + 3 Overhead Squats
-Build to a max set (all reps are touch and go, once you start, there is no re-grip)

“Strict Press A Thon”
21 Unbroken Strict Press, 95/65
50 Double Unders
15 Unbroken Strict Press, 95/65
50 Double Unders
9 Unbroken Strict Press, 95/65
25 Double Unders

20 Double Under Penalty every time the Strict Press is broken up. (You do not have start back at zero)

Daily Midline 
COS Iron Scap
4 rounds:
:15 Plank
:15 Side Plank (Right)
:15 Hollow Body Hold
:15 Side Plank (Left)

Box News
Memorial Day Murph WOD & Potluck May 29th @9:00am

best fitness training classes at CrossFit St Charles

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