- It will make you a better athlete. That’s right. Being on the other side of the workout give you a better view of the cues we’ve been giving you and why they are important. Judging is more than just counting but about meeting standards. These are standards of movement set to get the most out of each exercises and also to be comparable to other athletes. You simply cannot track your progress unless you are consistently meeting these standards!
- Taking the online course and judging the Open give the athlete you are juding great feedback on their own progress. For 99% of us the Open is meant to see what we are good at and wheat needs improvement. A couple of well deserved NO-REPS goes a long way towards improvement and consistency. As a judge you can participate in another’s journey.
- You get to be a confident part of the CFSTC intramurals. Without our staff and volunteers, we would not be able to pull off this amazing event. Your help as a judge will make for smooth and fun events
- This years test is easier and less time consuming than in years past! Seriously
- This year we are giving one time extra team points for everyone who does the judges course. It’s a great way to score some extra points and everyone can participate!
Take the course today!