WELCOME 2020!!

It’s a new year with lots of exciting changes at CrossFit St. Charles!
By now you’ve all heard about our move and maybe have driven by the new space. 

Its all meant to bring you a better experience at CFSTC! We’ve got 2 months (yikes!) to get things tore down and built out. It will be a hustle but worth every minute.

But wait…there’s more!

Athlete Check-ins

They are back.
It’s time to set some goals and gain some clarity!
Summer is coming and so is the Open. Now is the time!
There are Check-in sheets on the Front Desk. They will be there until the 10th.
Fill them out and drop them into the box. After the 10th, a coach will be reaching out to you to discuss your goals and creating a plan.

Schedule Changes

Starting January 4 (this Saturday) 
We are adding an open gym from 7:30-9:00a
Use this time to work on skills, make up a missed WOD or join Coach Paul in an Advanced workout. Be sure to sign up for class.

Starting January 7
We are adding 3 new class times
Tuesday/Thursday 9a and 11:30a

More great reasons to meet your 2020 goals

CrossFit Kids is Back!

CFK 7-10 years old
10 Week session
Thursdays 6 pm with our new coach Trever
Starts Jan 30
$150 for a full session
Members get a 10% discount
Follow this link and use the coupon code kids10

best fitness training classes at CrossFit St Charles

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Schedule your free intro session now and take the first step towards a healthier, more active lifestyle!
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