Why I signed up for the Open

Why I signed up for the Open
-Jamie Collins

Last year was the first time I signed up for the Open and had no idea what I was getting into. Don’t let anyone sugar coat it for you.

To say it’s a physically and mentally challenging experience is an understatement. You will work your ass off (but that’s why you come to CFSTC, right?). WODs are no joke and you’ll appreciate the conditioning the coaches are putting us through now during those coming weeks. You learn real quick how to dig deeper for one more rep. And when you think you’re done, the amazing judges and teammates around you will somehow get you to give more.

Not saying this to scare you away or talk you out of it. Just the opposite. Assuming you come to Crossfit for more than the sweet Juicy J beats and jokes that would be considered inappropriate in any other setting, the Open is everything you love about CFSTC and more.

The experience is pretty damn cool.

A year later, I have the opportunity to repeat some of those workouts as we prep. And even though most of you can kick my ass on any WOD on any day of the week, I am super psyched to see my own improvement. 17.2 required the masters athlete to do pull ups. I couldn’t do any. So I got through 2 rounds and while others were pushing through to the end I was stalled out at this skill, but somehow managed to get my chin over the bar once with some janky ass looking pull up. I was pissed at myself. But it gave me something to work toward.

Today I got through 32 pull ups and 4 full rounds. Hell yes! This is so huge for me. I’m even more excited for this year.

So no more thinking about it. Our outstanding coaches prep you for this. You’re going to be awesome and everyone is there to get you through. Whether you can do the skills or not, you need to get out there and try. You never know what it might motivate you to do.


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