Open Intramural Updates!
Current standings:
1. Bunz & Gunz – 111
2. Flexual Healing – 100
3. Hakuna Masquata – 93
4. Team Kisma – 87
With only one more left! Give this one your all!
CrossFit Games Open WOD 16.5
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time:
Thruster, 95/65
Bar Facing Burpee
Record times on CrossFit Games app & Train Heroic
Box News
Open Workout 16.5 will be held on Friday night this week at our place!
Come on out and do the workout at 5 & 6pm Friday night, then stick
around and have a drink as we close out the Open!
Check out Whats for Dinner