“Olympic Total”
EMOM x 10 minutes:
1 Snatch, Climbing to a max
Rest 5ish minutes..
EMOM x 10
1 Clean & Jerk, Climbing to a max
Conditioning I
AMRAP x 3 minutes:
5 Overhead Squat, 45/35
5 Front Squat, 45/35
5 Push Press, 45/35
Conditioning II
AMRAP x 10 minutes:
1 Muscle Up
5 Wallballs, 30/20
2 Muscle up
5 Wallball, 30/20
3 Muscle up
….Continue to add 1 muscle up per round until 10 minutes is up.
Daily Midline
3 rounds for quality:
30 second Hollow Rock
Rest as needed.
Box News
See Whats For Dinner