Athlete of the Month Is Heather Raines! Go Heather!

Lets give a big CFSTC congratulations to Heather Raines on being named CrossFit St. Charles Athlete of the Month for March 2018! 

Heather is an OG member, nice as can be, and one hell of a CrossFitter! 

Get to know her below! 

1. When & How Did You Get Started With Us? 
I started with CFSC in July 2012!  Brian Schuster, fellow firefighter with my husband and a member at TNT, encouraged me to try as he thought Crossfit would be a fitness program and community I would enjoy!  He sent me Kim’s contact information since I live closer to CFSC.  I called Kim for an intro and here I am over five years later and still look forward to opening the doors to my “happy place”.
2. Favorite/ Least Favorite Workout and why? 
I have many favorites so hard to narrow to one.  Anything with squats, lunges, and deadlifts (gotta firm that desk disease tush), strongWoman such as stone2shoulder and kegs, and I love most all gymnastics movements such as handstand pushups, pullups, and toes to bar.  AND one day it will be muscle ups when I finally put time and effort into achieving that skill!  Least favorite workouts involve thrusters or wallballs!
3. Best part about working out with evening crew? 
 The energizing, motivating, fun, friendly, supportive, compassionate, and STRONG group of people!
4. What super power would you have and why? 
Power Mimicry (to copy or absorb another’s powers or skills). I am fascinated by so many skills and talents of others it would be awesome to absorb and apply as and when needed.
5. If you were a color in the crayon box, what would you be and why? 
Magenta – universal harmony and balance in every aspect of life; physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
6. What are two accomplishments you are most proud of, inside the gym and outside? 
Again, it’s so difficult for me to just picking one thing!  Inside the gym I’m most proud of the general strength and skill I’ve gained!  Outside the gym I’m proud of my faith, family, friends, health, and career.
7. Whats the wallpaper on your phone right now? (Screenshot) + description) 
My wallpaper is of me with my family (kiddos Ethan, Hannah, Mackenzie, and husband Doug) on a trolley in San Francisco.
8. What is your favorite part about the CrossFit Open? 
Watching so many people involved in not only pushing themselves to achieve their best, but cheering for each and every person around them!  Incredible!
9. Whats the Heather Motto? 
Be honest, be kind, be grateful, work hard, stay humble, stay loyal, smile often, never stop learning, and love always!
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