Congratulations Maria! She’s Athlete of the Month! – Wednesday

How about a huge shout out to Athlete of the Month, Maria Alvarez! You know Maria if you come to the evening classes, she’s always there! Thanks for being so awesome Maria! Get to know her below:

1. When & How Did You Get Started With Us? 
 I started in February of 2016.  My mom actually joined a month or two prior and convinced me try a foundations class.  We’ve always been workout buddies so, it’s a lot of fun sharing a love for crossfit with her.
2. Favorite Workout and why? 
My favorite workout/movement is burpees because I can do them quickly and if there are a lot of burpees in a workout, I’m usually going to do well.
3. Least favorite workout and why? 
Least favorite workout/movement is rowing because I’m not great at it and if it’s in a workout, I’m usually not going to do well.
4. Favorite thing about CrossFit St. Charles? 
The community and competition.  I love being able to compete and suffer with my friends on a daily basis.
5. What are two accomplishment you are most proud of, inside the gym and outside? 
 I’m rarely satisfied with any one specific accomplishment.  Inside the gym, it’s always fun to master a difficult movement or get a PR.  Outside of the gym, I’m extremely proud of my family of dogs and house.
6. Favorite flavor of Ice Cream? 
Mint chocolate chip.  I’m lactose intolerant though, so this question is a bummer.
7. Whats your favorite season of the year and why?  
 I like all the seasons except winter.  Hate winter.
8. If you could have any super power in the world, what would it be and why? 
8.  When I was young, I wanted the power of invisibility so I could sneak into the coat room at school and steal everyone else’s snacks.  Everyone had better snacks than me.  For those purposes, I’ll stick with invisibility.
9. Whats the Maria Motto? 
A small shark is still a shark.
“All In!” 
AMRAP x 20 minutes
400m Run
2 Rope Climb
Rest 1 minute between sets.
best fitness training classes at CrossFit St Charles

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