
“Grunt Work” (Teams of 2)
AMRAP x 15 minutes:
1/2 Gasser Overhead Plate Carry, 45/25 (Down & Back x 4)
120ft Bear Crawl (Down and Back x 2)
1/2 Gasser Farmer Carry, 50s/35s (Down & Back x 4)

Performed tag team style. Partner A will complete the 250m Row, while B rests. Once A completes the row, B will start the 60ft Bear Crawl, while A rests. A will then complete the 1/2 Gasser Farmer Carry. That’s one round. Repeat alternating in this fashion until time is up.

For icy conditionins we have modified versions to be completed inside

Each movement is one rep, 3 reps per round.

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