Let’s hear it for Lacey Ebert! She won Athlete of the Month! Lacey is one of the best people you I’ll ever meet, get to know her below!
1. When & How Did You Get Started With Us?
I started in February 2017. The year before I worked hard to lose over 100lbs…all I did was cardio and didn’t have any muscle. One of my coworkers suggested I try Crossfit (Thanks Rob). A few weeks after that I was at a Christmas Party with Stephanie Smith, we talked about CFSTC and the rest is history.
2. Favorite & Least Favorite movement and why?
I really like dumbbell snatches. I travel a lot for work and can do those at most hotel gyms. Least favorites, I have a few, and it’s because they are hard for me…like overhead squats, box jumps and thrusters but if I had to pick just one it would be burpees.
3. What’s your favorite memory at CrossFit St. Charles?
I ate it on a box jump and ever since then I have had a really hard time doing them. Kim had me try the 20” “soft” box and I did it. I was a little excited! I still am a wimp when it comes to them and hopefully one day I’ll be able to overcome my mental roadblock.
4. Tell us a little about the day in the life of Lacey?
If it’s a good day I make it to a 5am spin or CF class. When I get home, I get me and 3 of my 4 kids up ready to leave the house by 7:30. Then it’s off to work. I usually make it home by 6. We eat dinner, do homework, play, give the kids baths/showers and get them to bed around 8:30. By this time I have heard “Hey Mom” at least 100 times. I need to be in bed by 9 if I have any chance of making it to the gym on time the next morning. (Tuesday is the hardest day of the week with both Dance for Haley and Crossfit for Luke)
5. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
Healing. Selfishly I’d love to be able to work out and not ever hurt…but wouldn’t also be cool to make your kids, family and friends feel better?!
6. Favorite cheat meal, go!
A meal that includes Mashed Potatoes (no skins). I only eat them on Thanksgiving and at Christmas…next year I may have them instead of birthday cake!
7. If you were to write a book, what would it be called?
It’s Hard but You Can Do It
8. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
I have so many places I want to go…but if I could leave today I’d be on a plane to Hawaii. I love it there. I’m also not adventurous when it comes to food and Hawaii has all the “normal” things I like to eat.
9. Whats the Lacey Motto?
Take time to work on yourself. You’ll never be as good as everyone around you needs you to be if you don’t take care of yourself!