Let’s Hear It For Tiffany! She’s Athelte of the Month!

Let’s hear it for Tiffany Nevil! She’s is Athlete of the Month! Get to know this awesome human below!
1. When & How Did You Get Started With Us? 
Jessie Schoenrock started a “Get Fit” class in September of 2017 and invited me, Bannon and Deb Wiggins to do it together. We all signed up and loved everything about Crossfit (I mean after we died a little) so we joined the gym after our class was over!
2. Favorite/ Least Favorite Workout and why? 
I love slam ball, bear crawls, front and back squats and deadlifts because they make me feel strong! I hate running, the assault bike and snatches because they show me my weaknesses. My brain struggles with the snatch so much! I’ve asked for flashcards…..
3. Best part about working out with 9:00 am crew? 
I have mad respect for my ladies. They are so strong and driven. When I watch them, I am in awe of their strength and determination. I love the example they are to their friends and kids about a healthy body image. I love that we can laugh, have fun and play around; the way we encourage and celebrate each other’s victories! I also have mad respect for Coach Chris; he calls us to our best selves every time and encourages us not to sell ourselves short.
4. Tell us a little about a day in the life of Tiffany? 
I work part time a few days a week, I do a lot of volunteer work for my church, I write and I try to manage my three kids social, academic and sports calendars all while being married to a red-headed viking. I have a ridiculous love for my dog Luna and I spend a lot of time taking adorable pictures of her and playing with her. #lovelylunarose
5. What is your spirit animal and why? 
A butterfly! I love to be outdoors, I believe deeply in transformative experiences and I would love to fly.
6. Favorite cheat meal, go! 
Ben, there’s levels of cheat meals. Like a little cheat would be a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Next level would be like beer and pizza/cheeseburger. But the ultimate cheat? That’s like chicken fried chicken, mashed potatoes with cream gravy and fried okra, some fresh bread and butter and then chocolate cake
7. If you were to write a book, what would it be called? 
 I actually have chapters of a book written! I might call it “Upside-Down Ordinary”
8.  If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
The Loire Valley in France and also Grasse, France. Because the LRV is where all the royalty used to have their “summer” castles/chateaus so they could beat the heat of the city. There are super famous works of art in those castles and the gardens/grounds and scenery is supposed to be spectacular. Each castle has it’s own super ornate church! Also Grasse is in the French Riviera and is where all the major perfumeries grow the flowers they use to manufacture their perfumes. I want to walk through fields of endless flowers! (See? Butterfly)
9. Whats the Tiffany Motto?
I’ve been challenging myself to “be curious” lately rather than afraid of failure. It’s helped me have more of a growth mindset and encouraged me to try things I’d ordinarily shy away from/make excuses for not doing! We think we know everything in this life and I think we miss out on a lot because we aren’t willing to be curious!
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