How about a huge CFSTC congrats to Macey Wienstroer, shes Athlete of the Month!!! Whoop! Macey always shows up ready to out the work and to have a good time! Get to know her better below!
1. When & How Did You Get Started With Us?
I googled the nearest crossfit gym and found you all around the end of October 2017.
2. Favorite/ Least Favorite Workout and why?
Favorite workouts in the olympic lifting classes because they lack a lot of cardio and I can focus on some skill work.
Least favorite long running workouts.
3. Best part about working out with evening crew?
The evening crew is really fun and make the environment such a positive one. Hard workouts don’t seem so bad around your friends.
4. What genre of music would you be?
5. What is the one super power you would want to have most and why?
Flying- You can travel anywhere without traffic and its free.
6. You recently went on a pretty cool trip. Can you tell us where it was and why you went?
In May I went on a mission/cultural trip to Winneba, Ghana. This is located on the west coast of Africa. I went on this trip to learn about other cultures and to also take a chance to travel. I ended getting to know some really great people. I also got to spend to time in the school teaching and playing with the students. Overall this was such an awesome experience, that I plan to go back to see all those great people again.
7. What’s your phone wallpaper right now? (Screenshot!)
8. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
I would love to go back to Ghana but if I got the opportunity to go somewhere else I’d love to check out Australia next!
9. Whats the Macey Motto?
Just keep moving it will be over soon!
or non workout motto happy vibes
Stay awesome Macey! CFSTC is greater having you be apart of us!