Let’s hear it for Mark Brennan! He takes home November’s Athlete of the Month!
1. When & How Did You Get Started With Us?
I got started about 6 months ago. When I decided that Crossfit was the way I wanted to get in shape I just looked up Crossfit gyms in the area and went with the closest one to my house. Which I think was pretty lucky because I doubt I would have liked everybody as much as I do at a different gym.
2. Favorite/ Least Favorite Workout and why?
Wallballs!! My skinny legs still need some work LOL
3. Best part about working out with 7:00pm crew?
Love 7pm!! And not just because it’s the only time I can get it in. It’s nice to blow off some steam after work. I look foward to workin out with my friends all day!
4. Tell us a little about the day in the life of Mark?
A typical day starts at 5:30am. At work by 7am. Turn broke cars into happy cars untill 6:00pm. Then hopefully make it to Crossfit on time. Then home. Shower, dinner, crash repeat.
5. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
Time travle. I would go back and get that $1.5 billion lotto ticket!! Then use the money to become Iron Man lol.
6. Favorite cheat meal, go!
Jack in da Box tacos!! Those disgusting, delicious, greasy things filled with god knows what make me happy!
7. If you were to write a book, what would it be called?
Proper vehicle maintenance for dummies lol
8. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
If I had to pick one place I would love to get back to Peru. The people there are so kind and the weather is beautiful. I had the time of my life there. It’s where I plan to retire some day.
9. Whats the Mark Motto?
Nothing is impossible. The word it’s self says I’m possible.
Way to be Mark! CrossFit St. Charles is better with you a part of us!