Lets hear it for the first AOM of 2017! Rickie Mui!
1. Congrats Rickie! First Athlete of the Month for 2017! How long have you been with us now? How did you find us?
I joined in October of 2015. My sister was doing Crossfit for a couple years and finally convinced me to give it a try. She travels a lot and stop by for a couple of classes and had great things to say about our box before I joined.
2. Favorite workout?
I really don’t have a favorite yet. One of the best things about Crossfit there are no regular routines with the WODs.
3. Least Favorite?
Anything with double-unders lol.
4. Favorite part of workout out at CrossFit St. Charles?
The people. Everyone is so supportive and friendly!
5. You’re a new addition to the Crayon box, what color are you and why?
My wife says Blue – like the ocean, I am usually cool and calm on the surface but sometimes I can get after it if needed.
6. Team Captain American or Team Iron Man?
Team Iron Man. Tony Stark is a normal guy who made himself into a superhero. Steve Rodgers got roided up lol.
Captain America is too much of a goody-to-shoe. You need to get out and be wild/spontaneous once-in-awhile. Life is too short and you have to live life to the fullest! Carpe diem
7. If you could be any animal on the planet, what are you and why?
Tough question.
I would probably be a dolphin – very intelligent and they don’t take themselves too seriously. They enjoy being part of a group and look out for each other and they enjoy having fun.
“Surf & Turf Intervals”
3 rounds for time:
400m Run
500m Row
Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
Click here to record scores to Train Heroic
Click here to sign up for class
Box News
Whole Life Challenge Starts January 21st! Get signed up!
Open Intramural Compeition Recruitment is under way!
Read this if you’re not in the loop! Click Here