Sara Palmier!
Tell us a little bit about yourself
I’ve been a member at CFSTC for 10 years. I am married, have two teenage daughters and I work as a Media Investment Manager at an advertising agency.
What made you start CrossFit and what has kept you doing it?
I was doing small group training at Tony Glavin’s soccer complex that focused mostly on running, body weight exercises and kettlebells. I was tired of running and I wanted to try something new. I also thought I would try somewhere that offered classes during the day because I was starting a new job where I worked from home and I didn’t need to work out at 5am any more. Jokes on me because we still run here, do way more burpees and it turns out that 5am is the best time to work out for me. I have stayed for so long because we have the best community ever. It feels like family to me now – we have caring coaches and members that I’ve celebrated so many milestones together, both in and out of the gym, as well as supported and lifted each other up when we need it.
Has your motivation changed since you first started?
I am still motivated each day to show up and mark my workout complete for the day. In addition, I am motivated by my people and to come see them every day. As a remote employee, having that social time each day fills my bucket.
What have you learned since joining the CrossFit St. Charles family?
If you work on yourself outside of the gym, you will get better in the gym. Where the mind goes, the body will follow.
What is your favorite movement?
Dubs. (Double unders)
What impact has CF had on you outside of the gym?
It impacts my attitude towards challenges. If I frame my mindset that the workout was the most difficult part of my day, then I can face any challenge that may come my way with ease.
What is your next CrossFit goal and how close are you to reaching it?
I’d like to have a 300lb deadlift. I’m currently at 275lb so that’s probably another 10 years away.
What’s something we might not know about you?
This is my second time being athlete of the month. 🙂
What advice might you give to someone who is considering joining CFStC or is new to the gym?
Just keep showing up!
What is the Sara Motto?
It’s a song lyric but “tomorrows just an excuse away”
If you could write your own WOD, what would it look like?
A variation of Annie* with moderately heavy power cleans in it. (*Annie is 50-40-30-20-10 double unders and sit ups)