“12 Days Of CrossFit”
Performed just like the song. (1…2,1…3,2,1…4,3,2,1…)
1 Power Snatch, 95/35
2 Box Jump, 24/20
3 Push Press, 135/95
4 Toes To Bar
5 Hang Power Clean, 95/65
6 Hand Release Push up
7 Slamballs, 40/30
8 Sit ups
9 Kettle-bell Swings (A) 55/35
10 Reverse Lunge Steps
11 Wall-balls, 20/14
12oz Beer! or 12 Burpee
Feel free to do this with a partner or go solo!
Split even rep movements evently, alternate who does more work on the odd movements.
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