How about a huge shout out to Jason Rutherford for earning July’s title as Athlete of the Month!
- When & How Did You Get Started With Us?
I started the last week in October 2016. I had been searching for something fitness related for years! I would get up and go to the gym at 5 am on my own; that was cyclical. My wife is the one that suggested I try CrossFit. She had been suggesting that for about six months, when I started my hunt. I literally just Googled CrossFit and looked at a map found CrossFit St. Charles, sent an e-mail, and within an hour (maybe shorter) Kim called. It was intimidating the first couple days of foundations, but I was immediately hooked.
- Favorite Workout and why?
I’m really digging Wallballs and Shoulder Presses. The wallballs because I’m getting better with endurance. When I started, it was difficult to complete 10 reps (20lbs) without stopping. Now I’m trying to go unbroken throughout the WOD. Shoulder press; I have strong shoulders (at least I believe so) so it’s fun to put up some weight there.
- Least favorite workout and why?
Thrusters… Anything with thrusters. My frontrack mobility is so bad, regardless of the weight; thrusters just hurt.
- Best part of working out with the 5:30amcrew?
How do you pick just one part?!?! If I had to pick one, I’d say the people. The people are fantastic. Coaches, members, drop-in’s… The surprising thing for me is that I was looking for a place to exercise, and I found a community of people that I didn’t realize was missing from my life.
- What was the first music album you ever bought? Whats your favorite album?
Ha! Well I had plenty of hand-me-downs (Hendrix, Nugent, Queen, Sabbath) , but the first one that I purchased was Roxette – Look Sharp! [For the record, I’m disappointed in myself for that purchase in 1988, but I can’t imagine everyone is proud of what they did in the 80’s]. My favorite album is Bon Jovi – Slippery When Wet [I firmly stand behind this decision]
- If you could have any super power in the world, what would it be and why?
Adamantium claws… I always thought wolverine was awesome….(I could not agree more, Jason…-Ben!)
- Whats the Jason Motto? I have so many but the two that stick out would be: “They only way out is through” and “Nothing changes if nothing changes”. Next time you’re in a WOD and riding the struggle bus to finish the workload, remember those two and you’ll find yourself at the end.
“Recon Bell”
3 rounds for time:
21 Kettlbell Swings, (Russian) 55/35
1/2 Gasser Suitcase Carry
2 Turkish Get Ups
Switch hands on Suitcase carry when coming back to the garage door.
Record scores to Train Heroic
Box News
Rowing Clinic W/ Coach Jamie July 9th! Sign up on Frontdesk!