Thursday – Jason is Athlete of the Month!!!

How about a huge shout out to Jason Rutherford for earning July’s title as Athlete of the Month! 

  1. When & How Did You Get Started With Us? 

I started the last week in October 2016. I had been searching for something fitness related for years! I would get up and go to the gym at 5 am on my own; that was cyclical. My wife is the one that suggested I try CrossFit. She had been suggesting that for about six months, when I started my hunt. I literally just Googled CrossFit and looked at a map found CrossFit St. Charles, sent an e-mail, and within an hour (maybe shorter) Kim called. It was intimidating the first couple days of foundations, but I was immediately hooked.


  1. Favorite Workout and why? 

I’m really digging Wallballs and Shoulder Presses. The wallballs because I’m getting better with endurance. When I started, it was difficult to complete 10 reps (20lbs) without stopping. Now I’m trying to go unbroken throughout the WOD. Shoulder press; I have strong shoulders (at least I believe so) so it’s fun to put up some weight there.


  1. Least favorite workout and why? 

Thrusters… Anything with thrusters. My frontrack mobility is so bad, regardless of the weight; thrusters just hurt.


  1. Best part of working out with the 5:30amcrew? 

How do you pick just one part?!?! If I had to pick one, I’d say the people. The people are fantastic. Coaches, members, drop-in’s… The surprising thing for me is that I was looking for a place to exercise, and I found a community of people that I didn’t realize was missing from my life.


  1. What was the first music album you ever bought? Whats your favorite album? 

Ha! Well I had plenty of hand-me-downs (Hendrix, Nugent, Queen, Sabbath) , but the first one that I purchased was Roxette – Look Sharp! [For the record, I’m disappointed in myself for that purchase in 1988, but I can’t imagine everyone is proud of what they did in the 80’s]. My favorite album is Bon Jovi – Slippery When Wet [I firmly stand behind this decision]


  1. What does your most frequently used Emoji tab look like?



  1. If you could have any super power in the world, what would it be and why?

    Adamantium claws… I always thought wolverine was awesome….(I could not agree more, Jason…-Ben!)


  1. Whats the Jason Motto?

    I have so many but the two that stick out would be: “They only way out is through” and “Nothing changes if nothing changes”. Next time you’re in a WOD and riding the struggle bus to finish the workload, remember those two and you’ll find yourself at the end.

“Recon Bell” 
3 rounds for time:
21 Kettlbell Swings, (Russian) 55/35
1/2 Gasser Suitcase Carry
2 Turkish Get Ups

Switch hands on Suitcase carry when coming back to the garage door.
Record scores to Train Heroic

Box News
Rowing Clinic W/ Coach Jamie July 9th! Sign up on Frontdesk! 

best fitness training classes at CrossFit St Charles

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