1. Stefany! Or my favorite nickname, OB-1 Knobbe! You’re Athlete of the Year! Many do not know this, but you were CrossFit St. Charles very first member! What’s the earliest memory you have at CFSTC?
My earliest memory of Crossfit St. Charles is meeting at a local park with Kim and two other girls pretty much every morning. Our warmup in itself was a workout! I also remember doing a “running Cindy”–running on a treadmill along with doing the pullups, pushups, and squats. That was the first time I truly felt like I could throw up! After I finished that workout, someone asked me what I was training for and I answered “life”.
2. After all this time, what is your favorite part about CrossFit and our box?
My favorite part of Crossfit is he variety of movements it offers. I enjoy the fact that each day is different and never the same routine. I like having the workout decided for me and all I have to do is follow the directions!
My favorite part of our crossfit box are the people. I feel support and encouragement from both the coaches and my fellow teammates. Because of the friendliness of everyone I feel that we are a family.
3.What do you tell yourself to push through those really hard, long workouts?
During a long, hard workout I often tell myself “You have done this before, you can do this again”. Also, I try to break the movements down into small, manageable sets. That helps me mentally and physically.
4. Whats next on your list of things to conquer? Crossfit or non CrossFit related.
One of the things I would like to conquer would be to master candlestick pistols. When we did those a couple of weeks ago I had fun trying them, and I have been working on doing some when I come into the box each morning.
5. It’s the holiday season! Whats your favorite holiday activity?
One of my favorite holiday activities is putting the ornaments on the tree. As I decorate the tree, each ornament holds such special memories and meaning and I feel that when they are all on the tree, the Christmas tree tell a special story of your life.
6. If you could have any super power given to you for Christmas this year, what would it be and why?
If I could have a super power I would like to fly. I think it would be awesome to gracefully soar above everything. It seems so carefree.
7. What’s the Stefany Knobbe Motto?
I try to follow the motto to do the best you can do. I try to be the best version of myself and I think each day offers us the opportunity to do just that.
“Sonic Style”
Part I
3 rounds for time:
200m Sprint
Rest 2 minutes between each effort
Compare score to August 22nd 2016
Part II
3 rounds for time:
250m Row
Rest 2 minutes between each set.
Compare score to August 22nd 2016
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