Tuesday – Athlete of the Month, Josh!

How about a HUGE CFSTC Congratulations to Josh Wansing on winning this months Athlete of the Month title! Josh is staple in the 0530 Dawn Patrol class, get to know him below! 

1. When & How Did You Get Started With Us?
It has been a while since I started CrossFitting, but I can’t  remember exactly how many years it’s been.  Jamie was doing Crossfit and enjoying it so I thought I would give it a try for something new.

2. Favorite Workout and why?

I like chippers that have some running or rowing in them.
3. Least favorite workout?

Anything that says thrusters!
4. Best part about working out with Dawn Patrol (5:30am)?

The people.  It is always a good way to start the day with a little fun and a laugh.
5. What are two accomplishments you are most proud of, one inside the gym and one outside?

My accomplishment inside the gym is ongoing.  I am amazed some days when I get in the car and think wow I can actually do that.
Outside the gym is our kids.  I feel so proud when they succeed and I think I may have done something a little right
5. Favorite cheat meal?
Pizza and a beer. (Pepperoni and black olive). Sorry Michelle!

6. Stranded on a island and you can only have access to 3 things, name them and why?

Golf wedges to practice my bunker/sand game.
A mirror so I have someone to talk too.
Sun tan lotion so when I get rescued I’m tan and not burned.
7. If you could have any super power in the world, what would it be and why?
Already have wonder twin powers!  Ha ha.

8. Whats the Josh Motto?

Whenever I’m in a situation I can’t control I say
Let it go- what are you going to do about it.
We’re so grateful to have you Josh! Keep being awesome!
AMRAP x 20 min
5 Pull ups
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats
Record scores to Train Heroic
best fitness training classes at CrossFit St Charles

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