Tuesday – Athlete Of The Month, Yay Ethan!

How about a HUGE CFSTC shoutout to CrossFit Kids athlete Ethan Raines, He is Septembers Athlete of the Month! Get to know this little stud below:

1. What grade are you in and what sports do you play? 
7th Grade.  I play hockey for St. Peters Spirit and Francis Howell, soccer, and golf.
2. Favorite CrossFit Workout and why? 

Box jumps because it’s cool to see how high I can jump and running because it’s fun and I’m good at it.
3. Least favorite workout and why?

Airdyne bike because you loose so much energy and I can’t touch the petals when they are at the bottom.
4. Favorite thing about CrossFit St. Charles?

The people that are always there.
5. Favorite kind of dessert (be specific, we love the details) ?

Chocolate ice cream with sprinkles
6. If you were stranded on a dessert island, what 3 items would you bring with you and why?
Container to boil water, a large knife, and a flint stone to start fire.

7. If you could have any super power in the world, what would it be and why?

To fly so I can travel the world.
8. Whats the Ethan Motto?

Small but mighty
Mighty you are Ethan! We’re very proud of you and cant wait to see the awesome things you accomplish! Stay awesome Ethan!

4 sets for quality:
:30-:45 Bar Hang/ Light A2H Swing
Rest 1:00
5 Dumbbelll WindMills, each side
Rest 1:00
5 Single Leg Kettlebell RDL, each
Rest 1:00
:30-:45 Wall Sit Hold

8 alt Tabata rounds (:20 work/ :10 rest)
Handstand Hold
Bottom Squat Hold

Box News
Lift Up Autism on September 23rd! Click Here to sign up for a great cause! 

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