Tuesday – Congrats Joel! Athlete Of The Month!

Hey guys!  Huge shout out to Joel Davis for being our Athlete of the Month this month.  This guy is determined, crazy strong, not to mention always ready to volunteer in every way he can.  Take a minute to get to know this beast.  He’s definitely one to look out for!

1. Congrats Joel! Athlete of the Month! Whats your favorite pump up song to play as we read this?

Eye of the Tiger

2. How long have you been with us now? How did you find us?

May 2015.  My wife started at CFSTC in February 2015 through the recommendation of a friend.

3. Favorite workout?


4. Least Favorite?


5. Whats the best part of working out at CFSTC?

I love the people here.  If I have to workout alone or at another gym when traveling it’s just not the same.

6. If you could be any animal on the planet, which would you be?

Bald Eagle

7. What was the first concert you ever went to?

Bad Company

8. What inspires you?

Watching someone push-through something really challenging that most people would quit.  That’s why I love CrossFit.  CrossFit gives all of us the  oppurtunity to not quit, every day, every workout.  That “never quit” attitude carries over into everything else we do in life.

You’re the man Joel!

“Purple & Green”
5 rounds for time:
10 Power Cleans, 135/95
15 Air Squats

Box News
Festivus Games! Show starts April 22nd! 

best fitness training classes at CrossFit St Charles

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