
**Congratulation to Ashton Bond! She is CrossFit St. Charles Athlete of The Month! Such a hard worker and great friend! Get to know her a little bette below!

1. Ashton! Congrats you’re Athlete of the Month! If we could play a victory song for this announcement, what would it be?
Verge by Owl City
2. How long have you been with us now? Still remember how your first workout felt? 
I believe I joined mid March 2016 with Ingrid training me through the Foundations class.  I remember after the last Foundations class, Ryan Barr was doing double unders. I had NEVER seen anyone do these before and was blown away at the noise!  Ingrid encouraged me to try one and I did it. Just one, but I did it.  Her encouragement and enthusiasm is what I always think about as I stumble my way through those pesky DU’s. I left that class feeling like I could really challenge myself to improve my health and strength and KNEW that the team here would be beneficial in my learning how to do that!
3. What’s a day in the life of Ashton look like?
Oh boy. My life is full of boys. One wonderful husband and two little, rambunctious, hilarious and crazy little boys. Asher (3 years old) and Nehemiah (20 months) keep me on my toes everyday while we explore a little more of the world and how to serve others well. It’s usually full of water, dirt and lots of cars. Apart from them, I am an in-home personal trainer where I can serve others and help them learn to move with ease.
4. If you could only have one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
 I like food that makes me feel good and gives me energy. My favorite food changes too often but this is my favorite go-to: Quinoa Turkey Meatloaf with roasted sweet potatoes and sautéed broccoli. And let’s just be honest – I LOVE chocolate chip cookies.
5. If you could have any super power, what would it be? 
You know I Dream of Jeannie? When she snaps her fingers and gets things done? I’d like to have that “super power” to clean my home, fold my laundry and cook dinner. That would be wonderful!
6. What’s the Ashton Motto?
Eat Clean. Train Hard. Live Inspired

It has been an honor to have you at our gym Ashton, looking forward to many PRs and memories!

3 rounds for time:
500m Row
12 Deadlifts, Bodyweight
21 Box Jumps, 20″

Compare scores to March 31st 2015

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