Wednesday – Michelle is Athlete of the Month!


How about a huge shout out to Michelle Wansing! She is Athlete of the Month! This girl has been killing it. She has lost 72lbs, gained unbelievable strength and is an absolute joy to be around. Get to know her below! 

  1. When & How Did You Get Started With Us?

My 1 year anniversary with CFSTC is coming up next week!  I can’t believe it’s been a year!!  I started doing privates with Kim on June 13, 2016 and transitioned into classes in August of 2016!  I started in order to lose weight and get in shape and I knew I needed help! But, my life has changed in so many other ways over the past year because of CFSTC and all of them have been positive changes!  Thank you wouldn’t even begin to cover the gratitude I feel for all the coaches up there and all of the people who are constantly supporting and encouraging me!!

  1. Favorite Workout and why? 

I honestly don’t know what my favorite workout is!!  It depends on the day!  Lately, I’ve been looking forward to double unders in a workout since I can finally string more than 2-3 together!

  1. Least favorite workout and why? 

Right now…Anything with wall balls!  I struggle with those! I’d rather do burpees!!  Working on getting better at them though!

  1. Best part of working out with the 5:30AM crew?

I can honestly say it’s NOT the time!!  I love the people in the morning class plus I get to work out with my husband!! I feel like we really are a family at 5:30!  If there’s a morning I don’t show up and it’s unexpected I will usually get text from someone in my CrossFit family asking if everything is OK (AKA – where the hell were you this morning!!)  Also, circle time!!

  1. Whats the wallpaper on your phone right now? (describe or screenshot) 

unnamed 1

  1. What does your most frequently used Emoji tab look like? (screenshot) 

unnamed 2

  1. If you could be any animal in the world, what would you be and why? 

A Cheetah because they are powerful and fast!!  I’m a jogger not a runner!

  1. If you could have any super power in the world, what would it be and why? 

I think I would have the power to heal others (both physically and emotionally)!

  1. Whats the Michelle Motto? 

For CrossFit I channel Dori from Finding Nemo – She always said “just keep swimming” and I am always telling myself  “Just like Dori – Just keep moving”

For life – With three kids it’s more of a philosophy of picking my battles that I know I need to win and learning to let all the other stuff go!  It’s not worth the emotional energy!!

Thank you for being so awesome Michelle, were so grateful we get to know you!

“Sweat Angel”
AMRAP x 12 minutes:
10 Burpee
25 Double Under

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