What is This “Open” Stuff??


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For those of you who are new to CrossFit since last March you may be wondering what the heck is going on in that gym!

It is Open season, and it is the most amazing 5 weeks of the year at CFSTC. It is when all the athletes in the gym, regardless of age, skill and tenure to come together and work out. We put a little competitive spin on it with our intramurals to keep it interesting and fun!

Everyone will test their limits, cheer each other on and set new goals for the coming year. Best of all, it’s an absolute blast!


Check out this video from 2016


There are two divisions in Rx’d and scaled. Athletes are further grouped by age. A workout is released every Thursday for 5 weeks beginning in late February. We program them for every class on Fridays. Athletes can get them done in the regular class times or make an appointment with one of the WOD judges to get it done before Monday at 5pm. Everyone must submit thier score through the CrossFit Games site.


A few years ago we started the CFSTC Intramural competitions and Friday NIght LIghts. This brings our entire community together for the Open workouts each week. The gym is split between two teams for friendly competition. This year we’ll have prizes, vendors and of course the workout! Even if you’ve done the WOD in the regular class you won’t want to miss the Friday Shenanigans! Be a part of a team and earn points for participation and spirit.

Get signed up today. Push yourself to do things you’ve never done and have a great time doing it.


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